Quick start


The libraries dependencies are kept to a minimum to avoid the overhead for features you choose not to use, e.g.,
  • tornado is not formally a dependency, but is obviously needed should you choose to use the tornado features
  • pyzmq is not formally a dependency, but is needed should you choose to use the distributed reporting features

Single process

If you just need to get off the ground and flying, there’s convenience methods in the tapes module, so you can do:

timer = tapes.timer('my.timer')

def moo():
    with timer.time():
        return 'stuff'

This will simply use a global tapes.registry.Registry object instance under the hood.

You can also explicitly create and maintain a registry (or several, if needed) by just creating some:

registry0 = Registry()
registry1 = Registry()

timer0 = registry0.timer('some.name')
timer1 = registry1.timer('some.name')

Even though the timers were created with the same name, they’re maintained in different registries, they’re separate instances.

Repeated calls on the same registry with the same name will return the existing instance:

timer0 = tapes.timer('some.timer')
timer1 = tapes.timer('some.timer')
# timer0 and timer1 are actually the same instance


It’s common that you need to add the same metrics to many similar subclasses but have them all named differently based on the class name. Because you would usually want to make the metric a class level attribute to avoid doing the tedious lookup in particular methods, there is a utility metaclass that adds any necessary metrics to the class.


class MyCommonBaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    __metaclass__ = metered_meta(metrics=[
        ('latency', 'my.http.endpoints.{}.latency', registry.timer),
        ('error_rate', 'my.http.endpoints.{}.error_rate', registry.meter),
    ], base=abc.ABCMeta)

The base argument wires in any existing metas, most commonly abc.ABCMeta. The metrics argument takes a list of tuples, in which - the 1st arg is the name of the class attribute - the 2nd arg is a template for the metric name. It will get rendered by calling template.format(class_name) - the 3rd arg is a callable taking a single argument – the fully rendered name – and returning a metric instance

The above example would add two attributes to all subclasses of MyCommonBaseHandler called latency and error_rate, which would be a timer and a meter, and correspond to metrics parametrized on the class name.

For more info check the full docs at tapes.meta.metered_meta().


For pull style reporting you need to

This should be trivial for most web applications, e.g., for Flask:

def metrics():
    return jsonify(tapes.get_stats())

or Tornado:

class MetricsHandler(web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):

For push style reporting it gets more complicated because of the GIL. There are a couple of scheduled reporters that report with configurable intervals, but they create a Thread. For most Python implementations this essentially means that your application would block for the time it is doing the reporting, and while it is probably fine for most scenarios, it’s still something to keep in mind.

There is a scheduled reporter base class for Tornado as well, which is non-blocking and uses the IOLoop to schedule reporting.

Currently the push reporting is implemented for streams and StatsD.

The reporters are all used almost the same, i.e., by creating one and calling start() on it:

reporter = SomeScheduledReporter(
    interval=timedelta(seconds=10), registry=registry

If you want a guaranteed low latency setup, you might want to look into the multi-process options below.

Otherwise, take a stroll through tapes.reporting

Multi process

Python web applications are generally run with several forks handling the same socket, either via uWSGI, gunicorn, or, in the case of Tornado, just natively.

This causes problems with metrics, namely
  • HTTP reporting breaks. The reported metrics are per-fork and you get random forks every time you make a request
  • Metrics aren’t strictly commutative, so even if you do push-reporting, you end up losing some info in the combiner, e.g., StatsD
  • Push-reporting generally means blocking your main application’s execution due to the GIL
Hence, with Tapes you have an option to
  • run a light-weight proxy registry per fork
  • have an aggregating master registry that does all the reporting in a separate fork

The proxy registries communicate with the master registry via 0MQ IPC pub-sub. Because 0MQ is really, really fast, this ends up being faster than just computing the metrics locally anyway.

The obvious drawbacks are
  • a separate forked process doing the aggregation and reporting
  • a slight lag if the traffic volume is low due to batching in 0MQ

With that said, it’s much simpler to actually use than it sounds. The reporters are the same, so the only changes are the use of an aggregator and proxy registries.

NOTE: due to the way gauge operates, it’s unavailable in the distributed mode. If / when I figure out how to combine it, I’ll add it.

Tornado example:

registry = DistributedRegistry()

class TimedHandler(web.RequestHandler):
    timer = registry.timer('my.timer')

    def get(self):
        with TimedHandler.timer.time():


server = httpserver.HTTPServer(application)



Check the API docs for more info – tapes.distributed.registry.